I was asked by ReImagine Ottawa to take landscape images of the soon-to-be destroyed campus area of the CEF and of Queen Juliana Park.
The campus area especially has magnificent 125+ year-old trees in an English country-house yard setting – mixed trees and broad grass fields with NO level surfaces. The magnificent trees called for portraits of their own. I started going out on cloudy days with a tripod to capture those portraits.
At some point Jane Keeler suggested asking people if they would want their portraits taken with the trees and so the project spread becoming
- Landscapes
- Portraits
- Trees
- People with trees
- Selfies by others of themselves with trees
All of these offshoots have their own pages here, linked below
The portraits by Jake Morrison were combined with words from the people involved into the book “We Stand With the Trees”, described on it’s own page
- Landscapes
- Tree Portraits
- People with trees
- Selfies with trees
To be continued – coming soon!